I'm actually posting something. Shocking, huh?
Basically, I have nothing good to say, and therefore never say anything. But I figured everyone who reads this is hating me for not posting anything and making their lives more difficult without reward, so I thought a post was in order. I've been keeping a journal, which is probably a contributing factor in the lack of blog posts. Everything I'd say here, I already said there.
What have I been doing lately, you ask? Well, I dogsat (which mostly consisted of watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel for three days straight), I came home and watched more Buffy, I helped mom clean my room for me (hehe ^ ^) and then I watched some more Buffy. Actually, I strapped mom to the futon and forced her to watch the first two episodes with me. Aren't I just too evil?
Anyway, following that, I sat in my own bed (wow, right?) with my own TV on a stool at the foot of my bed and watched Pump Up the Volume, that Christian Slater movie about the illegal radio guy. It was pretty good, but the ending was unsatisfying.
Anyway again, we're gonna clean some more today, only mom has to watch football first. It's very important. Life or death football. Cause...Um...God is playing. In the football game. Against Joe the Used Car Salesman from Alabama.
He's a very dangerous man, you know. Bent on total destruction.
Moving on, I have stuff to do now (including but not limited to sorting old toys into different categories. It's important.) so I'm gonna go. I hope you all hate me less after this, and I also hope it will last a while, cause I somehow can't imagine myself writing another post any time really soon.
Hey, maybe I'll put up those blog posts I wrote in Italy sometime soon. They'd be way late, but still, you know? Okay, so I'm actually going now. Good luck in all your New Year's endeavours. Bye!~
2 months ago