So, lately I've been thinking about religion and god(s) and why people need these things. Of course, it is generally acknowledged that a lot of people are religious for comfort reasons. I do understand that. I understand the comfort you could get from going "Hey, it's not MY fault things didn't turn out alright. It was the Lord/Allah/Zeus/Whoever." or "I can't do anything to solve this really terrible problem, but I'll pray, and God/Allah/Zeus/Whoever will fix it for me." I really do get where you're coming from, religious types. But I always just think the comfort bit is outweighed by the fear bit. Religion, even positive happy religions, are all about the fear. "Will I get into Heaven/Valhalla/Whatever?" is a big one. "If God/Allah/Zeus/Whoever lets bad things happen to THOSE good people, will he let bad things happen to me?" is another. And then there's the other fear. "What if I'm wrong?" Everyone is a Doubting Thomas sometimes during the religious life. Everyone questions the existence of God/Allah/Zeus/Whoever and Heaven/Valhalla/Whatever. They wonder if a different religion or form of thought is correct and they chose wrong. In other words, they are filled with fear.
I believe that I wasn't raised to be an atheist, but I was raised to be logical and scientific, and until someone shows me a big magical man/woman/creature who created the world and controls the fates of insignificant mortals, I simply won't believe he/she/it exists. I know a lot of people are agnostic, and there's no shame in that. That's actually a pretty scientific "I don't know." mentality there. But me, I believe men/women/creatures are innocent of creating the universe until someone can prove them guilty. I think we're just here, and we'll just go and that's all there is. No point, no purpose, just the random inevitably of all things.
That being said, I've been thinking about this, and found that my own brain defeats the idea that people believe in God/Allah/Zeus/Whatever because they find it comforting. We can't say all people take comfort in believing this is true, because, as I am discovering, I don't. The idea that there is something after death is unpleasant to me. The knowledge that when I am dead, I will simply be gone and that will be it is VERY comforting to me. It seems peaceful. I have always loved sleeping - it takes you away from your problems, takes you out of the world and nestles you safely in the comfort of your own mind. It seems to me death is just a sleep with no morning. Just peace. The lack of things to worry about. I have always said that the best thing about death is that you don't have to live with it - to me, this is very true. In a particularly good episode of the TV show "House", Dr. House voices the opinion that he prefers to believe this is all there is, because he would rather not think that this is just a test. This is another thing I believe and find comfort in.
Now, I'm not saying everybody should go out and kill themselves - I am a human being, and as such, have a distinct attachment to life. But it seems to me if I have to leave this world, I'd rather not just leave it for another one. Enjoyable as life can be, it can also be hard. Ever heard the phrase "This too shall pass"? I like that saying. There are good things and bad things about being alive, and if you have to give up the good things, wouldn't it be nicer to not have to do the bad things anymore, either?
Of course, if you believe in Heaven/Valhalla/Whatever, you believe that all there is after death is an eternity of happiness, but I don't think that is possible. Humans get bored easily. Eternity would just make us miserable. Isn't it more comforting to think that after we have lived our (preferably long) lives, we get to just go to sleep? Like coming home after a long, hard, day, all you want is to lie down and not have to work anymore. Yes, people should lead good lives, and long ones. I'm not suggesting that death is preferable to life. What I AM suggesting is that death is preferable to...forever. Think about the things about life that suck. The things that would still suck, even in Heaven/Valhalla/Whatever. Annoying people. Boredom. Your own insecurities. Stress. And Or afterliving. The every day wear and tear of Doing Things.
Wouldn't it be nice, at the end of everyThing you wanted to Do, to just...Stop?
2 months ago
1 comment:
Hello, my litle Chloe! Well considered post; I like it.
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