Actually, I'm too impatient to wait to start until November, but whatever. Now, some might say this is a little nuts of me, once they take into consideration my busy schedule at this juncture, but whatever! What's a little inter-continental travelling got to do with writing, anyhow? To them I say "You are probably right, but I'm going to drive myself insane ignoring your advice anyway!" I fully intend to write my 1,667 words a day until I have 80,000. And yes, I know I said 50,00 before, but that was in a month. I'm going over a month. I am not constrained to society's expectations! I am free and unfettered!
Actually, I'm just too lazy to write the number of words per day required to make 80,00 in a month. But, again, whatever. In case you are interested, which you are probably not, my book is about a girl who goes to learn Alchemy at a prep school and gets involved in a battle between two schools of Alchemy that have existed since basically forever. There's magic. And school. And neon green lab coats. And zombies.
Anyway, it is 5:05 AM and I am going to bed now. I have the sneaky suspiscion I'm supposed to wake up before ten in the morning a few days from now, and I'll never do it if I keep going to bed at ungodly hours such as this one. No offense to the hour.

You are cuckoo! Did you forget about camp?! :-)
Quirky tag, you're it!
It's Randi's fault!
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