SO! I woke up at the prescribed time this morning, a first...well, at most a Chloe history! Be proud of me, gorammit!
Anyway...moving on!
Cole woke up at the prescribed time this morning and got ready speedily. Then she and Qayte and Qayte's mother Marie all went in to Sunnyside Down, and Cole did her some baristaing, including, much to her pleasure, terror, and humiliation for no reason, some ringing up of people. Real live customers. There was also serving, and taking orders, and making drinks, and calling drinks out, et cetera et cetera. She enjoyed herself greatly, and took her usual wages for the day. She and Qayte dropped off her books at the library during their break, because she had decided to go home soon, and they needed to be returned. So anyway, she worked, and played, and had her some chai. Then it was time for the going home club. Aaaaand, they went home. She finished her green scarf, which is lovely, by the way (or would be, if it was real, which it's not, because this is a work of fiction). Also, Qayte had some bits of mossy fuzzy yarn left over from her new cat hat she is making for barista Melissa, and Cole made those into a choker and a bracelt. The choker is braided and the bracelet is crocheted, but you can't tell the difference, so it doesn't matter. Cole and Qayte went to the park again, and wandered around, and they found out that school is out today for some innocuous reason. They discovered that if you sing one of the camp songs twice it fits their moon dance fairly well. Cole danced with her umbrella. Then there was a crocheting/knitting/braiding/Buffywatching party at Qayte's, with just her and Cole, and that is when Cole finsihed the scarf. They also watched some Gilmore Girls. Then there was some getting on of the computer, and Cole discovered that there is a picture of Kell I where she looks like the mom in Gilmore Girls, which is nifty swifty, which is Cole's phrase of the day/week/indefinite time period.
Anyway, I has to go now, regardless of the shortish post, because I has nothing more to say on the matter. But first, two announcements. One is for the sake of anyone who didn't know and wanted to, and the other is mostly for the sake of my parental units.
ONE: My male parental unit is going to pick me up from Sunnyside Up tomorrow, and return me to the bosom of my family. Yes. Perhaps, perhaps, just maybe, I might actually get some writing done.
TWO: We are going to visit Abbi and Kell I and Alec and Kyra and Tim. There is no other option. It's my way, or...well....your way. But this should be your way. Cause it would make me happy.
2 months ago
Is Cole home yet? I older parenting unit misses her, too.
I think you're a grandparental unit, Mom. :-)
She'll be home tonight! Can't wait.
Chloe - Georgia instead of New York City? Steph would like it if we did a Georgia trip instead!
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