Sunnyside Up, that is.
Wednesday the 5th of November (actual date)
We woke up at early and travailed to Sunnyside Up, where we washed our hands thoroughly. Then Qacei made me a chai, and I watched and learned how to do it. I also learned how to pull shots, grind coffee, make coffee, make americanos and mochas and syrup flavored ones, refill water pitchers, clear and scrub tables, bring in the bus bins, fill an airpot, make a bagel, run the cash register (didn't get to ring anyone up, just learned how), and restock mugs. I took my wages in food. I had me a garlic or possibly onion bagel with herb spread, a chai, and a strawberry banana smoothie. It was yum. I also got to deliver some foods and call out drinks that I made and bring the orders back to the kitchen. I was pretty much involved in all the goings on, except the dish washing, and that was pretty much by choice. I did, however, scrape residue, toothpicks, and napkins off people's plates and cups and et cetera so I could leave them for other people to wash more easily. Then my shift (sort of) unfortunately ended, and we left. Qacei and I travailed to Goodwill, Payless Shoes, Borders, and Michael's before returning to the household. I am making a scarf. A crocheted (kro-CHET-ed) scarf. Then there was some eating, and some Buffy watching, and some compuhtering, and I took a shower.
And then it was now. And now it's gone.
Or something along those vague and familiar lines.
2 months ago
I want more parts!
But it's only today! And it's only been today for nine and a half hours, eight of which I was asleep for!~
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